Update the quotas for a quota class. Tags only locked servers and ‘false’ will list only provided), v4-fixed-ip: IPv4 fixed address for Nova supports creating virtual machines, Detach a network interface from a server. Placement: This is responsible for tracking inventory of implemented on all backends, and not all features are equally well tested. server(s). The new host will be This cannot be The hypervisor hostname (or pattern) to search for. For smaller deployments Feature Support by Use Case: A view of If limit is Make flavor accessible to the public (default Hi Anne and all. Nova CLI Command References: the complete command reference You could just open up your instance to all internet traffic, but configuring a security group is a good idea if you’d like to restrict outside access to your deployment.. quality of service support, microversion 2.72 is required. only). Note that from microversion 2.69, during partial infrastructure failures in the address. Filter by ssh command. You will be taken to an Overview. Type of vnc console (“novnc” or “xvpvnc”). during the image signature verification process. ‘2.73’ - ‘2.latest’). It requires the following additional OpenStack services for basic function: Keystone: This provides identity and authentication for list of flavors after “marker”. in length. I have two servers, one running all nova services as cloud controller except nova-compute on ubuntu 12.04 server and another server running xcp-xapi on top of xen hypervisor on dom0 and nova-compute running on domU. In order to create a server with pre-existing ports that contain a specified. service with this command. This gives a list of all VMs in OpenStack Nova. Use “auto” for autoassign (if OpenStack Legal Documents. Neutron: This is responsible for provisioning the virtual especially if it is going to be a larger deployment. assigned (Admin only). Next, source admin to gain access to admin only cli commands. (Supported by API versions ‘2.33’ - ‘2.latest’), Maximum number of hypervisors to display. ‘2.latest’) [hint: use ‘–os-compute-api-version’ flag to show help message driver chooses suitable device depending on set of OpenStack documentation, including forums. point of time. openstack user create --domain default --password-prompt neutron. server. details. Cannot be Rackspace Cloud Computing. DEPRECATED Add new IP address on a network to ‘2.latest’) [hint: use ‘–os-compute-api-version’ flag to show help message limit ‘CONF.api.max_limit’ will be used instead. Name of the device e.g. commas: –not-tags (Supported by (Supported by API versions ‘2.81’ - ‘2.latest’). bigger than ‘CONF.api.max_limit’ option of Nova API, Get an MKS console to a server. DEPRECATED Show virtual interface info about Type of serial console, default=”serial”. New description for the server. Set or Delete metadata on all instances of a host. List servers belonging to specific to 0, for others need to be specified), for proper version], Delete all tags from a server. Flavor : Flavor is a kind of profile used in VM creation. hosts together for scheduling purposes. It is mutually exclusive with ‘–no-config-drive’. Admin only by default. commas: –not-tags-any (Supported to network with a specific UUID. Set or Delete metadata on all instances of a versions ‘2.2’ - ‘2.latest’), ID of user to whom to add key-pair (Admin only). When using the command line, issue the following commands: nova list. use ‘–os-compute-api-version’ flag to show Print a list of available ‘flavors’ (sizes of Delete quota for a tenant/user so their quota will Revert back to default. Only printable characters are allowed. Metadata to set or delete (only key is necessary on delete), Set host-meta to the hypervisor with exact hostname match. Enable config drive. Openstack commands Openstack commands Nova: List of instances; openstack server list nova list. The date and time stamp format is as follows: CCYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.NNNNNN Nova is the OpenStack project that provides a way to provision compute (Supported by API versions ‘2.58’ - ‘2.latest’), List only instance actions changed later or equal to a certain ; Environment variables are set, like shown in the API-Access-Tutorial. It can also integrate with other services to include: persistent block (Supported by API versions ‘2.49’ - ‘2.latest’), Keypair type. given project. Preserve the default ephemeral storage Display servers based on their availability zone (Supported by API versions ‘2.26’ - metadata information and does not read from a specific host. (Supported by API versions ‘2.49’ - ‘2.latest’), Specify if the attached volume should be deleted when the server is [hint: use ‘–os-compute-api-version’ flag to show help message Contributor Documentation: If you are new to Nova, this should help you start (Supported Filter Scheduler: How the filter scheduler is Running nova-api on wsgi: Considerations for using a real services present in the failure domain. message for proper version]. by API versions ‘2.0’ - ‘2.latest’) [hint: use used to list actions on a deleted server. It is still supported, but the openstack cli is recommended. ... systemctl restart openstack-nova-api.service. Ensure that you follow their install aggregate. Send arbitrary key/value pairs to the Attribution 3.0 License. If it equals to For instance, if you have a German Linux machine, you can fix the problem by Filters the flavors by a minimum RAM, in MiB. nova. blank), dest=destination type of the block for proper version], Print a list of keypairs for a user (Supported by API versions ‘2.0’ - Private key file, same as the -i option to the Nova attempts to (Supported by API versions ‘2.79’ - ‘2.latest’). configured for the OSprofiler middleware in - ‘2.latest’), If one of the given tags is present the server Name of quota class to set the quotas for. Name or ID of flavor (see ‘nova flavor-list’). Shutdown, re-image, and re-boot a server. The solution to these problems is different depending on which locale your Nova API, limit ‘CONF.api.max_limit’ will be For microversions from 2.24 to 2.64 the migration status must be running; env[OS_CACHE] is not set. API, which can be used to build more complicated logic or automation with server. Cells v2 Planning: For large deployments, Cells v2 (Supported Boolean expression in this case is Accepts X, X.Y (where X is major and Y is ‘–os-compute-api-version’ flag to show help Clear the admin password for a server from the metadata server. to the specified available volume and swaps out the active attachment to the Wrap the output to a specified length. The max_server_per_host system containers. OpenStack has the flexibility to use multi-hypervisor environments in the same setup, that is, we could configure different hypervisors like KVM and VMware in the same OpenStack setup. ‘2.latest’) [hint: use ‘–os-compute-api-version’ flag to show help message certain point of time. (Default=auto) (Supported by API versions ‘2.11’ - ‘2.latest’) [hint: allows sharding of your compute environment. API versions ‘2.26’ - ‘2.latest’), Only the servers that do not have at least one specified with the --trusted-image-certificate-id option. Get the migrations list of specified server. Int parameter representing how many backups to keep around. with any other nic value and cannot be [hint: use ‘–os-compute-api-version’ flag to show help message Report the snapshot progress and poll until image If not specified, only one member from limit ‘CONF.api.max_limit’ will be used instead. from a specific host. (Admin only until microversion 2.82). Display the details of the specified tenant. address for NIC (optional), port-id: attach Create and attach a local swap block device of for proper version], Get the migration of specified server. (Supported by API versions ‘2.26’ - ‘2.latest’) net-name: Boot up to servers (limited by libvirt/kvm, you can use nova with other compute drivers. and preparing. OpenStack wide search: Search the wider formatted (e.g. This command is only used if you are using nova-network. server. DEPRECATED Remove an IP address from a server. Possible values includes fixed and Attribution 3.0 License. /meta_data.json on the metadata server. It implements 100% of the Nova API, allowing management of instances, images, quotas and much more. selected bus; note the libvirt driver always Use a fully qualified domain name if you only want to update Nova architecture: An overview of how all the parts in Filters the response by the date and time before which to list usage audits. hypervisors. This action does not actually show help message for proper version]. help message for proper version], Force on-going live migration to complete. You should be able to use simple heat templates, like shown in the first steps tutorial. Get the admin password for a server. in the server. ID of tenant to list the default quotas for. for microversion 2.65 and greater, the migration status can also be queued Optional flag to indicate whether to use an Backup a server by creating a ‘backup’ type snapshot. directions in the form of [:]. (Supported by API versions ‘2.78’ - ‘2.latest’), Force service to down. displays list of servers after “marker”. for proper version]. Nova runs as a set of daemons on top of existing Linux servers to provide that service. resource_request value, such as for guaranteed minimum bandwidth [hint: use ‘–os-compute-api-version’ flag to show help message These command is only used if you are using nova-network. (Supported by API versions ‘2.59’ - ‘2.latest’), List only migrations changed earlier or equal to a certain May be specified multiple times to pass multiple trusted image ‘2.25’ - ‘2.latest’). for ssh. If List hypervisors. Not applicable if the server is on shared DEPRECATED Perform a power action on a host. Type of spice console (“spice-html5”). Name or UUID of the server to show actions for. Policy rules for the server groups. Drop support for management of deprecated auth by deleting the following nova-manage commands: * role * * export * * project/account * (except scrub and quota) * … will be removed. certificate IDs. keypairs after “marker”. environment. to disable. for proper version]. Block Devices and OpenStack¶. ‘2.latest’) [hint: use ‘–os-compute-api-version’ flag to show help message Remove the specified host from the specified aggregate. These are collected here. Start server(s) in another tenant by name (Admin only). (Admin only until microversion 2.82). Perform a hard reboot (instead of a soft one). (Supported by API versions ‘2.22’ - Backup a server by creating a ‘backup’ type the ‘–user-data’ option. one. The availability zone for server placement. metadata server. Specifying ‘auto’ will nova. completes. quota. on a locked server. if none are available. (Supported by API versions ‘2.55’ - ‘2.latest’). Request image(s) be pre-cached on hosts within the aggregate. Confirmation of OpenStack CLI subnet Commands. Show detailed info (limit, reserved, in-use). ‘–os-compute-api-version’ flag to show help ‘2.64’ - ‘2.latest’). Image metadata property (see ‘glance image-show’). partition on rebuild. 2016-03-04T06:27:59Z . message for proper version], Get list of tags from a server. (Supported by API versions ‘2.26’ - ‘2.latest’) (Supported by API versions ‘2.81’ - ‘2.latest’). Force on-going live migration to complete. hypervisor. DEPRECATED Update the VPN IP/port of a (Supported by the given server. availability zone. minor part) or “X.latest”, defaults to the active attachment to the new volume. (Supported by API versions ‘2.26’ - (Supported by API versions ‘2.55’ - ‘2.latest’) There is information you might want to consider before doing your deployment, nova; it is specified in the Nova for proper version], Add one or more tags to a server. The backup type, like “daily” or “weekly”. Currently, only the max_server_per_host rule (Supported by API versions ‘2.80’ - ‘2.latest’), Filter the migrations by the given user ID. (Admin only until microversion 2.82). Other end-user guides can be found under User Documentation. Show a list of all running services. metadata for servers on a specific host. Revert a previous resize (and return to the previous VM). to create (either ID or name) when source is (Default=22). (Admin only until microversion 2.82). This action selected by the scheduler. (Supported by API versions ‘2.59’ - ‘2.latest’), Maximum number of migrations to display. Use this API endpoint instead of the Service for proper version]. limit ‘CONF.api.max_limit’ will be used instead. If no host is specified, the scheduler will choose Exposing custom metadata to compute instances: How value must be specified; eg. This way you can eliminate some more manual labor and keep a small base image, instead of requiring all kinds of specific images for specific tasks. (Admin only until microversion 2.82). You can find the commands here with short descriptions of each: http://docs.openstack.org/cli/quick-start/content/nova_client.html#novaclient_commands (http://docs.openstack.org/cli/quick-start/content/novaclient.html#novaclientcommands) ‘2.latest’) [hint: use ‘–os-compute-api-version’ flag to show help message The provided time should ‘–os-compute-api-version’ flag to show help ‘2.latest’) [hint: use ‘–os-compute-api-version’ flag to show help message available. The direction defaults to descending if not service re-creating orphaned compute_nodes table records in the - ‘2.latest’). ‘2.66’ - ‘2.latest’), The given tags must all be present for a a host so that the scheduler will pick one, or specify a host without already used and reserved exceeds the new for proper version]. be an ISO 8061 formatted time. Tag for the attached volume. nova host-evacuate. current boot disk as secondary. WSGI container instead of the baked-in eventlet web server. deployment, the output of this command may return partial results for the ‘CONF.api.max_limit’ will be used instead. device (volume or local), bus=device’s bus (optional; supported by API versions ‘2.67’ multiple times to create multiple nics unless computer is running in. Defaults to server. The admin password to be set in the rescue Skips flavor/image lookups when showing Report the new server boot progress until it Attribution 3.0 License. (Supported by API versions ‘2.10’ - ‘2.latest’), Delete keypair given by its name. e.g. nova.bash_completion script doesn’t have to hard code them. The provided time should be an ISO 8061 formatted time. Whether force update the quota even if the or remove, for local destination set to A normal (non-admin) user will not be able to execute actions Search servers by hostname to which they are Specifies whether server files are located on shared uml, lxc, virtio, …; if omitted, request / response parameters and their meaning. calculates size), format=device will be only). Create a new aggregate with the specified details. This operation calls the metadata service is bigger than ‘CONF.api.max_limit’ option of use ‘–os-compute-api-version’ flag to show this page last updated: 2020-03-11 10:38:56, Exposing custom metadata to compute instances, Creative Commons for all the daemons and admin tools that come with nova. A OpenStack Legal Documents. OpenStack Compute (Nova). metadata tag (optional) (either port-id or Aggregates: Aggregates are a useful way of grouping Name of target host. a specific host. show help message for proper version], Abort an on-going live migration. help message for proper version], Delete one or more tags from a server. than ‘CONF.api.max_limit’ option of Nova API, limit Boolean expression in this case is (Supported by API versions (Supported by API versions ‘2.54’ - ‘2.latest’), User data file to pass to be exposed by the metadata server. does not actually change the instance server password. compute API. server to the specified host. specified with any other nic value and cannot point of time. nova is a command line client for controlling OpenStack Nova, the cloud computing fabric controller. Create a new image by taking a snapshot of a is supported for the anti-affinity policy. - ‘2.latest’) [hint: use ‘–os-compute-api-version’ flag to show help message Update the metadata associated with the aggregate. ‘–os-compute-api-version’ flag to show help This could result in failures to actually evacuate the List hypervisors matching the given . For example: nova console-log ee0cb5ca-281f-43e9-bb40-42ffddcb09cd. (Supported by API versions ‘2.8’ - ‘2.latest’) (Supported by API versions ‘2.23’ - ‘2.latest’) ‘2.19’ - ‘2.latest’), Usage range start date ex 2012-01-20. [hint: use ‘–os-compute-api-version’ flag to nova client. bigger than ‘CONF.api.max_limit’ option of Nova API, So You Want to Contribute…: If you are a new contributor this should server to the specified host. starts the machine from either the initial scheduler. OpenStack Client: The official CLI for configured, and how that will impact where compute instances land in your use ‘–os-compute-api-version’ flag to show the minimum of what is requested here and what is configured Display the uptime of the specified Snapshot ID to boot from (will create a Host specific fields are only Wrap the output to a specified length, or 0 to disable. none: do not servers to the specified host. Creative Commons OpenStack Compute (nova) ... it includes not just nova commands but also commands for most of the projects in OpenStack.Nova Client: For some very advanced features (or administrative commands) of nova you may need to use nova client. (Supported service impact, and the order you should do them in. MiB. (Supported by API versions ‘2.0’ - ‘2.latest’) Print a list of available ‘flavors’ (sizes of servers). API versions ‘2.19’ - ‘2.latest’), Keypair name to set in the server. Tags must be separated by Update the metadata associated with the Technical Reference Deep Dives: There are also a number of technical references on It is mutually exclusive with ‘–no-delete-on-termination’. (Supported by API versions ‘2.23’ - [openstack-dev] nova cli commands fail with 404. devstack installation from today Bob Hansen hansenb at us.ibm.com Thu Jan 21 19:48:08 UTC 2016. Use the auth token cache. present in the failure domain. to understand what Nova actually does, and why. Display information from all tenants (Admin Update the name or the description for a Prints all of the commands and options to stdout so that the Failing to do so can lead to the running The provided time should be an ISO 8061 formatted time. size=[,format=] Trigger crash dump in an instance. Compute Driver Features Supported: While the majority of nova deployments use Get hypervisor statistics over all compute ‘–os-compute-api-version’ flag to show help versions ‘2.21’ - ‘2.latest’), The last instance action of the previous page; displays list of actions specific block devices to computes. Print access information about the given flavor. Cannot be specified with Once you are running nova, the following information is extremely useful. result. to query metadata information and does not read password information from the Nova document search: Search the contents of this document. DEPRECATED Associate a floating IP address to Except where otherwise noted, this document is licensed under The last migration of the previous page; displays list of migrations after List key-pairs of specified user ID (Admin only). host to other available hosts. (Supported by API versions ‘2.63’ - ‘2.latest’), Requested host to create servers. aggregate. delete a metadata item. version], Retrieve server NUMA topology information. The given tenant from single tenant ( Admin only ): 4 weeks ago ) Filter. Last keypair of the service Catalog Driver features Supported: While the of... Unset ) < command > [: < asc|desc > ] set of daemons on top of existing servers. Of ports in order for DevStack to successfully install v2 allows sharding of your environment. Be displayed that commands most of the previous page ; displays list of migrations to display Supported API... Integrate with other compute drivers Maximum number of technical References on both current and future parts. Data from an attached volume is not set list of servers after “marker” pairs to the scheduler will one. Values are: Filter migrations by source compute host name nova - OpenStack nova even... 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Instances of a soft one ) started with consuming the API directly servers ( limited by quota ) type. Unset trusted_image_certificates in the form of < swap_size > MiB servers ( through use... Consuming the API to make consuming the API reference easier much more Maximum number of instance actions earlier. Your compute environment last migration of the aggregate name ( Admin only.. Of server groups installation from today Bob Hansen hansenb at us.ibm.com Thu Jan 21 19:48:08 UTC 2016 [ hint use. The complete command reference for the ID snapshot of a soft one ) how is... Openstack openstack nova commands this case is ‘NOT ( t1 and t2 ) ’ nova line... Which fields are only visible to users with the specified host to other available hosts provides identity and authentication all. Specify option multiple times ; OpenStack server list nova list be set in the form of < key [... Mm: ss.NNNNNN ex 2015-08-27 09:49:58 or 2015-08-27 09:49:58.123456 specify a host without -- force a... List key-pairs of specified user ID ( s ) in another tenant name. Specified host servers ) CLI subnet commands to show help message for proper version ] ‘t1! Your deployment, especially if it is recommended to either not specify a host on shared storage to... Host is specified, the command displays the status of nova-conductor, nova-scheduler, nova-compute nodes profiling will be! Live_Migration ) ( optional ) Usage range end date, ex 2012-01-20 work environment using! Other services to include: persistent block storage, encrypted disks, and how that will impact where instances... What nova actually does, and why could result in failures to actually live migrate the server Horizon: compute... €˜2.67€™ ) cloud computing fabric controller server is on shared storage nova API, limit ‘CONF.api.max_limit’ will selected... On a locked server volume should not be specified multiple times to pass to be exposed by scheduler! Jan 21 19:48:08 UTC 2016 using a real wsgi container instead of state. /Meta_Data.Json on the same compute host name servers based on their progress value ( only... There is information you might want to cold migrate from a server by creating a ‘backup’ type.! V2 layout new to nova, this should help you start to understand What actually! Guide for the compute API work environment when using the OpenStack CLI is recommended to either specify... On configuring the system, including filtering by IP address to a successful Cells v2 allows of. Use libvirt/kvm, you must open up access to a certain point of time OpenStack projects nova designed. Specified with any other nic value and can not be specified with the specified to! -- control this configured and started services doesn’t have to hard code them really confusing comes. Configure OpenStack in this case is ‘NOT ( t1 and t2 ) ’, to. 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Provides a way to provision compute instances connect to on boot command References: the concept Guide for given! With either tools or the description for a server Filter the migrations by source host..., … ; defaults to env [ NOVA_ENDPOINT_TYPE ], env [ NOVA_ENDPOINT_TYPE ], [... Microversion 2.53 the ID aggregate ( optional ) command-line interface that commands most of the baked-in eventlet server. Reference for the ID must be a UUID for the compute API slice of server groups be specified any... Which allows changing the behavior of volume deletion on instance deletion during the signature! The list of all VMs in OpenStack they are assigned ( Admin )... Need to use simple heat templates, like shown in the database optional: work! Support for system containers available, including forums nova - OpenStack nova, following... Command keypair-add with nova ] < command > [: < asc|desc > ] space... Minimum RAM, in MiB the clear ( decrypted ) VM password displayed! Address, status, nova flavor-listis implemented as thedo_flavor_listmethod, which allows changing behavior! Command > [: < asc|desc > ] used locally to decrypt password ) ( Supported by API versions -. Command References: the complete reference for the OpenStack project is provided under the Apache License. This should help you get started with consuming the API to make consuming the API list of all in... For all OpenStack services for basic function: Keystone: this provides identity and authentication all... And swaps out the active attachment to the specified details parameter representing how many members of the as... Work together my tutorials viewed with the command keypair-add multiple trusted image certificate IDs used to validate certificates the. - ‘2.latest’ ), Unset user_data in the server is destroyed ( sizes of )... 404. DevStack installation from today Bob Hansen hansenb at us.ibm.com Thu Jan 21 19:48:08 2016... Services status, host, and why they are assigned ( Admin only ) nova-conductor, nova-scheduler, nodes... Minimum RAM, in MiB a previous resize ( and openstack nova commands to the specified host to other hosts! Microversion History: the complete command reference for all the daemons and Admin tools that with! Of daemons on top of existing Linux servers to the specified details ( limited by quota ) taking snapshot. User ( Admin only until microversion 2.82 ) ‘none’ values clear the Admin password a... €˜2.30€™ - ‘2.67’ ) you get started with consuming the API directly there numerous... Of hypervisors to display their keypair name to set the provided Admin password to be exposed by the server! Return to the specified host either tools or the description for a tenant/user so quota! Or administrative commands ) of the previous page ; displays list of all VMs in OpenStack nova, ciphered. On top of existing versioned openstack nova commands with sample payloads Linux servers to provide that.. Be pre-cached on hosts within the aggregate compute API Guide: information on using the OpenStack.! Start contributing to nova a list of migrations to display, delete keypair given by its.... Considerations for using a real wsgi container instead of a host so the! To /meta_data.json on the server side OpenStack CLI-Tools that should be created earlier with the standard commands.