You’re right, they suck. The Waterboys: This Is The Sea (1985) But, and this is the big thing, these various genres are best when they stay in there own lanes and that is really where the current music has gone off the rails and I really fear that it is a permanent crack up. They were pro musicians who could craft great songs. Lone Wolf With a gun I love finding new music scenes or sub genres and exploring them. Some of the absolute best players on their albums. Sheets”. 6:00 am. or you can simply kick back and play their records on a summer’s day, margarita close by. More precisely, I don’t love them, and that’s what I think I’m getting at here., Jack Williams "I hate China." So I can absolutely love Steely Dan and Led Zeppelin and Fleetwood Mac and Waylon Jennings and Keith Whitley and Sidney Bechet. Steely Dan have announced that their 2020 Earth After Hours Tour with Steve Winwood has been rescheduled. I totally agree with you Robb. A cool Dan cover of Do It Again can be found on Waylons Music Man album, defnitely worth checking out. And, until recently, that has never been a requirement for me. Thank for the article, Trig!!! I’ve been listening to Steely Dan since I was 12. I asked myself why do they get such a bad rap? They dab at you with a somewhat haunting, simple, obtuse, plain sound, and that all at once. They set benchmarks and high standards. According to Nick Stockton of Wired , the real reason has to do with mirrors. I’m glad I love them now. But somehow, somewhere in there, it became one. I just want to know what all of these people are basing their reasons for hating them on. September 5, 2017 @ It’s trojan horse music. He slapped your hand so you settled up your bill. Steely Dan and their lame-ass fans can put on your sky blue Tom’s, hand me down captain’s caps, and sail into the yacht rock sunset, because you guys fucking suck. The story and the theme are important too, but again, not the whole answer. The session guys made significant creative contributions. 6:25 pm. On the surface, the dan deal in jazz tinged pop mega hits. Nostalgia has to be the only force strong enough to bring everyone into their orbit of crap. Yeah, there are some jazz chord progressions. Doug Frankly, I don’t see any evidence of impeccable musicianship or sophisticated songs – just overuse of one cheesy chord, and lots of slick production. 7:23 am. Concert can be good or bad depending on his mood. All of a sudden, despite the continued coolness of bagging on Steely Dan and Supertramp as the denizens of uncool on the classic rock format, you began to understand why they were essential. It’s like that painting, I think called “The Tempest” or “The Storm”, with the perfect looking boy and girl running from a storm. I now have a copy of every group and solo album/cd they ever put out lol, the pistolero 3:30 pm, used to hate these guys when I was young even though id only heard a few of their songs. And afterwards, turned and ground their cigarettes on the sidewalk with their heels. So why don’t I like Steely Dan? And leave him lying in the rain? The horns at the end of “The Caves of Altamira” always get me. Masturbated in public? 45 Comments. Critic B, with whom I never agree, is just as useful. September 5, 2017 @ You’ll be missed, Walter. Are these characters works of fiction? You were the founders of the clinic on the hill I think the songs are emotionally aloof and fail to connect with hard-edged listeners. Look, Steely Dan is not for everyone. Required fields are marked *, Notify me of follow-up comments via e-mail. Listening to them makes my fucking bone marrow hurt!!! For some odd reason, their “music” seems to stir up a certain type of person, where they gloat about being in this exclusive club of shitty music, and smug self satisfaction. No, they aren’t really a band. To be honest, you don’t really have the right to dislike a band unless you know them. Have they committed some sort of sin? Their music is boredom in the … And, I find ‘haters’ of the Dan, interesting, but, you are like that Talking Heads song. Why Do I Waste So Much Time? Why Do I Hate Myself? Last night I finished – after three attempts – watching a Tivo’d episode of “Classic Albums” on their landmark “Aja” record from 1977. Corncaster Ya buys ya ticket…. redoing tracks, and changing arrangements etc. Steely dan rock though. 1:23 am. September 6, 2017 @ The main reason why I can’t listen to their music is because they (intentionally) record it ‘dry’ and ‘dead’ sounding especially the drums. And you’ve seen all the western movies These guys are fucking lame. Intelligent music with soul. 10:27 am. Today I can’t leave the house without 3,441 of my favorite songs on my iPod. Learn to work the saxophone? I know exactly what u mean about not getting any emotional rewards from listening to them, but what bands do you listen to that get u satisfied. Lots of folks don’t seem to like jazz. But I thought they did some really cool stuff. You nailed it Darryl. I think perhaps you’re confusing them with Three Dog Night. There is nothing wrong with not liking art of any kind by anyone. Let's face it, it's sort of a weird band that's too jazzy to be progressive rock, and too rock to be considered jazz, that was slotted into the slosh pit of the … I think these are 2 of the main reasons they don’t get the respect they deserve. The last few shows I’ve been to I notice that they slip more and more Steely Dan covers in, and I admit they do them justice, probably their strongest songs as a matter of fact. I mean, they’re good but I don’t like them. They are the warm washcloths of soft rock. Good night. Fagen never quite sounds genuine. People do not like Anne Hathaway. You owed him money but you gave him something more One reason ive grown to like bands like this is how their songs are very open to interpretation. Acca Dacca I just tried to watch the “Classic Recordings: Steely Dan Aja” documentary on Netflix, just to give them one more shot. You must be the first person i know of who has given a respectable answer to why not like steely dan. 1:52 pm. I wanted to finally find the last piece of the puzzle, find that missing “something” that I had been overlooking all those years. I mean ‘clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right’ is such a classic line. The real reason that Gen-Xers hate Millennials is simple and terrifying. I remember seeing Clint Black on an episode of Austin City Limits back in maybe the early 2000’s, and randomly Clint and the band decided to launch into a straight, uninterpreted version of Steely Dan’s “Josie.” It was even one of those Steely Dan songs that veers uncomfortably close to funk or disco. omg!!! So… what exactly do I do with these new revelations? It sounds awesome and most bands don’t even know it exists or how to make use of it, but whatever. Thank you for this answer and many of the others for helping me understand why this band’s music often makes my skin crawl. I can relate. 1 … At least it’s not Elton John, I guess. 😉. Admittedly, I am a word-nerd, and lots of pop lyrics annoy me – but none so much as theirs. But What Happens Next is Most Important, The 97 Dedicated Articles SCM Published in 2020 Featuring Women, Dennis Quaid Finally Bringing Charley Pride Biopic to Life, Multiple Members of Jamey Johnson’s Backing Band Arrested – Lineup Change Ensues. As for myself, i know too little of SD, will give it a listen, but from what i’ve read about their supposed intellectualism, cynicism, black irony and ‘perfect musicianship over rockshow’ and ‘great lyrics’, that’s something that puts me off at least a little. I have all their albums and have much admired the Dan from the start. September 5, 2017 @ Certainly not in the league of Justin Heyward, Steven Tyler, Robert Plant or Geoff Tate. Trying educate myself about Van Morrison (because we are going to go see him open for Willie Nelson this Sunday), I came across these guys. We get sick of hearing the same songs repetitively, especially when they keep repeating in our heads. After this, it’s time for Pink Floyd and Rush! I just don’t like storytellers and too smart-for-you-sarcasm in music. My guess is zero, sucka. just perfection. But emotional attachment… to what? September 29, 2019 @ Each word drips with a cool wry irony, their songs dealing with the shady oddballs on the fringes of society rather than the typical love and heartbreak imagery pop so often resorts to. After all, the band is named after a freaking dildo, and have you seen photos of Donald Fagan and Walter Becker? But somehow, somewhere in there, it became one. , Also, Walter (RIP ) produced Rickie Lee Jones’ excellent 1989 LP ‘Flying Cowboys,’ and co-wrote the lovely opening track “The Horses.” , Erik North I don’t know how to musically explain it; I just like Steely Dan. “Yes, you do,” she said, “you say they suck.” “Well, yeah, I mean I do hate them,” I replied, “but, you know, they’re great.”. I put Hey Nineteen on at a twenty first birthday party recently (im 20), and everyone danced along, not really noticing the shift from modern r’n’b to a steely dan single from 1980. Everyone else hates Mondays too. I just came across your blog while looking up some SD lyrics. The best bands will have thier fare share of ‘haters’. ??? Enough said. I’m kidding of course, people like what like and hate what they hate. It’s wild to see them so young. Why do people hate BTS with such ferocity? BuzzFeed As Is Something for everyone interested in hair, makeup, … I’m too young to have found them in their prime, but I picked up “The Royal Scam” used for $1.99 when I was in high school and didn’t even know anything about them beyond it was a cool cover. What do you know about music…you probably listen to the mess that is polluting our airwaves today..crap like Kanye West,Katy Perry and Nikki Minaj. At the most, it was an homage. They were the Hunter S. Thompson of American pop music. So there you were being force fed “Reelin’ In The Years” and “Do It Again” over and over again with no recourse, and telling your fellow classic rock buddies how much Steely Dan sucked. Now, even that grates. The guy painted like your “supposed to” and did all the right things to make the professors and academics of the time go ga ga, but it didn’t stand the test of time because there wasn’t an edge of realness, just polish. Some folks will never be comfortable with this as a legitimate art form. Ok, so you managed to write a piece about one of my favorites and you even mentioned one of my other favorites (Supertramp). Meh. Just my theory but I think it is common with someone like Steely Dan. With a gun And I don’t enjoy saying that. 5:00 pm, Cool you mentioned him cause Waylon covered Bakerstreet on Hangin Tough. Suggestive lyrics. Critiquing is really just opining, and as such is just useful for deciding who to listen to when they offer their view. I like the array of instruments that they use, and I love the way they record them. Don’t get me wrong: the music of Steely Dan definitely has a place in popular music, but it’s not a place I’d ever like to be. Thanks Trigger. In my opinion, if you don’t like them, you’ve either not dedicated enough time to appreciating their art, or you’re just an ignorant Neanderthal. Instead of Baby Mozart, my wife and I played Van Morrison all night long for our daughter for years. They lost it for me from Aja onwards when I thought they became slick and soulless. 2:08 pm, Luckyoldsun know that Alabama is the Crimson Tide. The Black Keys: El Camino (2011), GoodBoys Nation - Archives Weekending | GoodBoys Nation. And you should feel no shame in saying it. Part of their charm is that they have a somewhat limited audience. The “situation” is that I love music and really get into cult bands that fall outside of the norm. Let’s face it, it’s sort of a weird band that’s too jazzy to be progressive rock, and too rock to be considered jazz, that was slotted into the slosh pit of the classic rock space by Clear Channel some 35 years ago, and asked to fend for itself among legacy AC/DC and Lynyrd Skynyrd cuts. Tight. When I listen to Steely Dan now I don’t hear a band, but a gathering of highly talented, but pretentious studio musicians trying to outdo each other. Did you pay the other man with the piece in your hand By college, I was always having to buy more blank cassettes, walking down the dorm hallways copying everything I could get my hands on. Steely Dan is music for self-congratulating, self-proclaimed “progressive-types” who believe that being an intellectual is sonomous with being a Steely Dan fanboy. Great drums. I appreciate the effort they put into the recording and writing process. (not that i think there is much chance that you will see this; and in that case, give a rat’s molested ass about what som Norwegian kid thinks about all this). One of the best shows I’ve seen. Bought and enjoyed back when vinyl was what you did. Why drench it in reverb and echo? Good speakers and a subwoofer are essential. Loathe them to the point that the first note of any Steely Dan song causes me to flip up from XM46 to XM49 and whatever is on there. Also, you implied that they just hand out sheet music to session guys and call it good. Yes, they are able to proficiently play their instruments and keep time. ya takes ya chances. The death of Steely Dan’s guitarist and founding member Walter Becker has classic rock fans reminiscing on the band’s legacy, and others reconsidering it. The people who respond to the question, “What kind of music do you like?” with “I like everything” make my skin crawl. Slick harmonies. The Wall turned out ok,and it was done in pretty much the same manner Aja was. With Steely Dan, I similarly found myself enjoying them more as I got older. People perceive their own voice to be the combination of those two sources … My feeling towards these people is that they’ve probably never had a true emotion, love or hate, in their entire lives. Steely Dan’s music is subversive. If I tend to agree with Critic A, then there’s a better chance I will agree with his assessment and can possibly avoid wasting my money on whatever he so bravely risked his sanity experiencing for me. I disagree with the latter sentiment to a degree, but they are HIGHLY regarded by every musician I’ve come across. As for songs, I still love “T.B. I could be wrong but I have seen your face before I’m personally more drawn to their first five albums when there was still a strong rock element to their music, but there’s no question that Aja is a classic and Gaucho does have its charm for me. I respect them, I completely understand that the quality of their stuff is first-rate, but… well…. Right? I bet none of them has ever listened to anything that wasn’t played on the radio (and we all know how awesome it is to base a band’s music on what the radio stations select to play over and over again). Steely Dan is probably right up at the top as a studio band and as someone who has never really been that into hearing live music I always gravitate to performers that take recorded music seriously and that was really true with Steely Dan. I don’t care about this, and I’m a trained classical musician. After Becker passed the other day, pulled up some SD on Spotify to give them another listen. With Steely Dan, from what I understand, their work was never predicated on “getting that thing in there”, as you say, that would “make people fall in love” with their creative output. Steely Dan Produced by Gary Katz Album Gaucho Gaucho Lyrics [Verse 1] Just when I say "Boy we can't miss You are golden" Then you do this You say this guy is so cool Snapping his fingers … For me personally I’ve found it more and more difficult to get into any new music as I’ve gotten older. Steely Dan is the inevitable end product of people who’ve never experienced real hardship mimicking the forms and styles of people who have. (No Static At All)”. September 5, 2017 @ You hear songs like Do it Again or Stealers Wheels’ Stuck in the Middle and wander what in sam hell their talking about?! but no, even though the musicians were great and even though those SD guys have some great beats and fascinating musical arrangements and melodies and their albums are beautifully produced my own personal hell would be a locked room with the Steely Dan discography stuck on a loop. These bands are so talented as both musicians and lyricists. Bill Was exposed against my will to them last night. That being said, I still find roughly 98% of the music that’s ever been recorded completely unlistenable. Keep loving music 😛. Yet that was the first time I realized it could be cool to like a Steely Dan song, even as a country fan. I’m in LOVE with Steely Dan & Donald Fagen’s strangely sexy voice. I fall in love with new (or “new to me”) songs on a regular basis, and I’m always desperately looking for songs to fall in love with, artists to collect, catalogs to complete. September 5, 2017 @ Could be Steely Dan is just a little too complicated for you. A big one. There is no rage, anger or sadness in any of their songs. It is biting social satire heavy with bitter irony very carefully disguised as exactly the kind of manufactured easy listening pop that was (at the time) the ‘product’ of the culture they were satirizing. You are obviously grovelling far too long here. They sound about the same live. Big, uplifting, sing-along/dance-along refrains that transport you to the west coast circa 1970. Brett Perhaps, after you’ve grown up a little, you could revisit the Dan and experience them in a different light. Once upon a time I really liked Steely Dan. Also, whoever made that comment that this music isn’t repetitive is full of it. Jethro Tull (particularly the progressive mid 70’s period) is one of my favorites. Makes life more enjoyable. 6:09 pm. Also, they have a million session musicians, I mean it’s overkill. Steely Dan filled a small niche in music that someone had to fill, and they did it well. Until he caught you with your fingers in the till Yep, this was me also. So what? Okay, I get the picture, you know music, you’re probably intelligent too. I love, love, love Steely Dan and I just treasure their albums. I hate their lyrics. The original series is one of the most universally praised TV shows of all time, … 8:10 pm, hoptowntiger94 And there’s nothing wrong with that. I liked the sound of Steely Dan way before I knew the back-story to their situation or owned their records OR even completely linked all the pieces to the same band. Widespread acceptance isn’t what determines whether something has quality or not. For me when I was in HS and for much of college (late 70’s), I wanted my rock-n-roll, straight-forward, guitar heavy and loud. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. when their album two against nature came out almost 20 years ago a friend I used to carpool to work with played it every other day when he had command of the cd player. Scotty J In the same column: Steely Dan and Todd Rundgren. SD were definitely an “uncool” band with “uncool” songs that takes time and experience to fully appreciate, even if you never gravitate to full fandom. I can clearly see some stuff that is fine and interesting and maybe even respectable, but which gives us nothing to fall in love with. I love Van Morrison. Great setlist, tight band and a soundman who knew his stuff. The comments that refer to the band as “The Dan” wrap up the problem with “The Dan” with a nice little bow on top – their work is a great steaming pile of pretensions. Saw them back in 2001 at what is now KeyBank Pavilion in Burgettstown, Pa. If it’s well crafted, I feel it’s been crafted to piss me off. It doesn’t matter who it is–people you form close relationships and you offer social support to will hate on you. If you’re not familiar with Steely Dan, I suggest you start with Aja. Who would have inspired punk what it feels like to hate holiday music I only saw back. Of favorites looked back on the classic rock radio does but, you could revisit the Dan, but.... I dig a shit-ton of music chord ”, whatever that means Dacca September 5 2017... Will never be comfortable with this as a consequence I find myself taking deep dives into artists. Their perfectionism me oh my, what if I am a word-nerd and! Vintage performance footage their flawlessly smooth music, and I do not dislike I! Jennings and Keith Whitley, cause we can do this is because whatever it is fine respect... 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