I’ve had leaves fall of my Hoyas when repotting and was curious as to whether this method would work for me. Try to cut at a 45-degree angle to allow for more rooting area and water intake. I’ve never gotten any hoya leaves to produce new growth in all the times I’ve tried. I inherited a Hoya from a 96 year old woman. Hoya varieties that do good when this method is used are Hoya carnosa (with plain green leaves), a variegated form of carnosa and Hoya bella (miniature). By the way, I use greening or floral pins, like you see in the picture below, quite a bit. Other great links Here you will find links to search sites, garden sites, fun sites, crazy sites, and other "useful" sites. Hoya Kerrii is relatively easy to propagate using vine cuttings. Yes, the seeds can be collected. This is because they have evolved in an environment that allows it. How To Propagate Hoya Kerrii. And good news! Make sure the node that you striped the leaves away from is submerged in the water. Let the cuttings dry out on an open surface for a day to facilitate callus formation at the cut ends. Yes, it's a FREE guide that will let you know when to start your veggie seeds. Nell. Dab a bit of honey or cinnamon on the cut ends to discourage bacteria. The upside is that you can actually see the roots forming and growing, which is pretty interesting. Fill a container with a well-drained potting medium. I was given some vines of a Kerrii Hoya, Some of them have flowers and some other my pretty lengthy, 2 seporate, long “3 to 4ft” vines. The 1 that you see below is a cutting taken with 1 node which I rooted in water. Hoya stem cuttings will grow in potting mix or in water, your choice. Annie, I love them too Linda – the foliage & flowers are lovely. The best technique for propagating the hoya is by stem cuttings. I am down to two leaves and a thin leafless viney thing coming out. We don’t spam! SUCCULENTS are easy to propagate in water! Most times you’ll see little roots appearing on the stems and that’s what you want to get on top of the mix. Place it in a glass of water and wait until it develops roots, around 5-10 cm long. Now to get into propagating Hoya cuttings in water and why I don’t always just do it this way. Simply take the cutting as directed above and place it in a jar of water, with the leaves above the surface of the water. Wax Plant Propagation in Water You can also start a hoya plant in a glass of water. Now I’m thinking how nice it would be to have 2…. Don't worry, your email is private. I have a large hoya compacta and a new hoya carnosa. I researched and ended up here with you experts. I went down to Melb. Or should it be a basket? AHH so many questions…Thank you! They will thrive in an area with ambient temperatures. Nell, I have a star joys and was wondering if the seeds in the flower could be sewn to start a new plant? Its showing signs of being overwatered AND underwatered. Cut a healthy stem from the parent Hoya plant. Do you think it would survive if I divided it? This cutting was only about 4″long but I’ve taken them as long as 12″ and they’ve rooted just fine. When rooting in a mix, I take shorter stem cuttings – 1, 2 or 3 nodes at the most and strip off all the leaves except those at the very top. Make sure you take your cuttings from softwood. You don’t have to worry! My large H. variegata topiary is in need of pruning & training. The roots develop really quick. Hi Bob- Thanks for sharing that. Years ago l had a huge. (Recipe: 3 parts perlite, 3 parts coco-peat, 1 part vermiculite). Nell, […] plant and you cut it off after the tuber has rooted. © 2020 Joy Us Garden | Care, Propagation, and Pruning About | Contact | PRIVACY POLICYDesign By Viva la Violet, Mother Nature Inspired Christmas Ornaments, Pots and Planters: Choose The One That Fits Your Style ». When it’s big enough, you might want to start propagating it. Hoya propagate by stem cuttings easily as long as a node or 2 is in water. Simply take cuttings from a healthy Hoya obovata plant, remove the lower leaves from the stem, and place the exposed nodes in water or soil. Wrong. I knew that leaf cuttings don’t produce new plants but only a bunch of roots and I am curious if these stems with nodes and no leaves are going to grow roots inside a small container filled with water. Place the pot and new cutting in an area that receives bright, indirect light. Hi – To the best of my knowledge, stems (of plants in general) do photosynthesize as long as they’re green. 1. Just be sure to sew them soon after collecting. The stem should be at least 4 inches long and have two to three leaves. Nell, Ann – Stealing a beloved plant … that’s a crime!! It’s ready to climb! If you want it to be trailing, use a hanging pot that is fixed to the ceiling. Hoyas propagate easily. I grow Hoya finlaysonii with a once-a-week watering cycle during summer ensuring that the top half of the soil substrate dries out between waterings. My curtisii is all over the place. Some hoya species can be found in more limestone areas, so it would be intuitive for me to think that these hoya would grow well with a bit more alkaline (or “sweeter” soil). So if you want to propagate your hoya retusa, I recommend the stem tip cutting. 2. I know of one that is over 20 feet long! Nell. We moved and it was in a completely different place it flowered beautifully. It has a good root started but how long before it starts to grow off shoots? … Too much water can lead to root rot. These where growing up, so the leaves are upside down. https://www.joyusgarden.com/houseplant-repotting-christmas-cactus/, https://www.joyusgarden.com/how-to-propagate-christmas-cactus-holiday-thanksgiving-by-stem-cuttings-with-1-easy-twist/, https://www.joyusgarden.com/christmas-cactus-leaves-turn-orange/, String Of Hearts Plant: 4 Ways to Propate This Trailing Rosary Vine, Toxicity and Houseplants: Safe Choices for Cats and Dogs, Sweetheart Hoya: How To Care For A Hoya Kerrii. The cactus was my mothers who passed away at 99, a year ago and since then it has bloomed every other month! Make sure the mix is thoroughly moistened. Fill the pot(s) with the potting mix and water thoroughly. I used a popsicle making container (fancy propagation equipment!) You can leave it in the 4″ or 6″ pot for a while (the one you’re propagating it in). I have a 48 year old hoya plant and it needed to have old leaves and stems removed. This post may contain affiliate links. You can try to grow the seeds, but the resulting plant will not be true to the parent plant if the seed even germinates. The stem should be at least 4 inches long and have two to three leaves. Set aside so the soil can completely rehydrate. Regarding those single-leaf plants you buy in small pots, don’t expect any growth. But I’m just so scared to ruin it! Creating the Right Environment Place your Hoya plant in bright, indirect sunlight. I put it outside last summer and it did amazing, it had been neglected and now it was doing great. Thank you for helping us spread the word & make the world a more beautiful place! Remove any leaf that is close to the cut end. This makes me happy because it’s the basis of this blog – sharing my knowledge and mostly my experiences. Windy Gardens is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Moving on to something I have experience and success with. I’ll start with the “no have tried” method which is by seed. Here are several plants that are safe for cats and dogs. Another vine is dying at the end. Hoyas are tough & I’ve divided a few of them. My 3 are doing well even here in the Arizona desert where I’ve recently moved to. If it looks like you can easily divide them into 2, then go for it. Nell. I always take my cuttings at an angle using clean, sharp pruners. Hoya plants are relatively easy to care for. Finally, you can’t get watering right if you don’t get the soil right. Crushing up eggshells or using oyster shells on top (or within the soil mixture) should suffice, as the substrate will slowly get more alkaline as you water the plant. In many cases, these nematodes can be the death of the plant, but you can save it by taking a cutting from the top of the plant ant attempting to propagate it. Hoya forums Here you will find links to different hoya forums on the internet. The 2nd way I’ve tried but haven’t had any success with and that is by leaf cutting. I’ve also used succulent and cactus mix which has worked just fine. The best type of medium for this species of Hoya to grow is orchid pot soil, sphagnum moss, coconut husk or cactus mix. You don’t want to submerge the whole stem in water. Talking about it to a friend and she has sent for seeds. There are so many different varieties to choose from, including the traditional wax flower (Hoya carnosa) or the twisted gnarled foliage of the Indian Rope hoya and the sweet, heart-shaped Hoya ‘Kerri’.All are tough plants and can be grown indoors or outside, in warm frost-free environments. You can always unsubscribe if you want to. You can dip the cut end of your stem in rooting hormone to encourage growth, though this isn’t essential. Remove any leaf that is … At this point, you can either use water to propagate your stem cutting or a moist propagation mix; both are equally effective, so it’s up to personal preference. It is one of the most common … What method has been successful for you? You can easily root the Hoya in water too. If you’re keen on growing hoyas, then you’re in the right place. I love Hoyas & mine seem to flower when they want to. I imagine it takes years for them to bloom when grown from seed. The new plant (if you indeed get one to grow this way) will be genetically identical to the plant which the leaf was taken from. Stems aid in the photosynthesis process. If you can find some decent stems, you can propagate the CC.Or, try repotting it. The money I make from affiliate marketing costs you nothing but keeps me online, so thank you for your continued support! Plant the cutting in the soil. Then you can take these cuttings and root them in water and then plant in soil, or can just insert them immediately into soil to which you’ve adding about 1/3 perlite. Keep the soil relatively moist while they are rooting. I’m going to be training & propagating my largest 1 soon. last weekend, when I got back home on wed. 3 of the seedlings took off in the first year but the other 2 grew a few leaves and hadn’t done much growing until about 6 months ago I am eagerly awaiting flowers from the first 3, hopefully I will not have to wait too much longer. May 6, 2019 – Impulse Purchase of a Hoya Cutting. Your videos and blogs are so helpful. I’ve had leaves … The leaves should not touch the potting mix. When it comes to growing these climbing hoya plants, water should quickly drain through the soil. I have, i believe a wax hoya with small blossoms and purple centers. The roots started to appear in about 4 weeks. I brought it in for the winter and no, it did not do well at all. These pins work like a charm, and in most cases, you can reuse them. I recently got a leaf cutting of hoya obavata. I started some leaf cuttings again a few months ago, just know that the petiole has to be attached, and once again they all rooted fairly quickly. Nell. I did this last weekend and have some stems rooting now to put back with the mother plant. Simply take a softwood stem of the plant, which is still attached to the mother, and pin it into a pot filled with light mix. 2nd do I keep the flowers, so it can focus on rooting? Will keep you posted. Any container with a drainage hole is appropriate for propagating dwarf nandina. No root rot that I have found. With proper training and care you can have a gorgeous Hoya vine wrapped around your kitchen in no time. I made an impulse buy that I am hoping will go well! I Nell, super excited to find you! I had stems from my Hoya plant that have produced umbels with flowers even though the leaves had fallen from the plant months ago. Now, I just want to clarify by saying this isn’t air layering – that’s a completely different method of propagation. I usually root hoya stems in water, in the direction they grow, because it’s easy & the roots form fast. Plus it started having double blossoms. While Hoya plants … I bought a 6 inch cutting of Hoya australis ‘Lisa’ from an ebay seller in Florida. These single Hoya leaves all rooted in a terra cotta saucer. Then one day someone stole it from our porch!!!! It is a very easy process. Even though I got … The reasoning is that the cut needs to callous over so that it prevents the … It’s not poisonous to dogs and cats so you don’t have to worry about your pets getting around it. These are also called Hindu Rope Plants and Porcelain Flowers and you can see why! 05/14/2017. Hoya multiflora – This one doesn’t like to dry out. Now that you know how to propagate the hoya, go get your own Hoya Carnosa. You can read our policies here. I hope you’ve learned a little something about hoya retusa care. Don’t overwater the soil, because the roots might rot. Again I use stems no longer than 12″ and have put up to 5 of them in a 4″ pot. Do you have pets? Nell, ” I understand that even if you can get new growth to appear, it’s not true to the parent plant.”. Have you had experience with hoya linearis? That’s your call. Hoya plants are one of the easiest houseplants to care for. The Hoya Carnosa is in bloom in the picture above, and it’s truly a beautiful flower! Post & video on that coming soon. The plant can grow in almost all types of pots. Place the cutting in the water. Comment document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a2dbf158d33c3743778c6116aa8ff601" );document.getElementById("b17f08f4b2").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Hi, I’m Nell, and this is where I celebrate all things garden and share my passion for plants, flowers and the great outdoors. Does your 4th propagating method work for wax hoya’s? Any idea on the Christmas cactus? It will be up to me to propogate them. You can easily root the Hoya in water too. My friend has the outside, texas heat, under some beautiful oak trees. You can get the Hoya or Hindu Rope Plant at Amazon. We don’t spam! I would love to get my hands on a established obavata! Thanks in advance, Hi Monica! Yet another vine is putting out a new leaf. You’ll be able to make more of these beautiful plants without spending money and even have extras for gift giving to friends and family. Just drop a intact leaf on a pot of barely moist substrate and, without even any further watering, small roots and a baby plant will form at the end. If you can keep the humidity high, that will also help things along! Fantastic Hoya. Hoyas don’t require much water as it’s a low-water plant. One piece broke off, the stem was beige and has leaves on it. Keep the cutting or cuttings indoors. I’ve read quite a few things about propagation by leaf cuttings and the camp is definitely divided. All these products can be bought at your local garden centre. She had it growing in a brass pot with no drainage. Pretty soon you’ll have a new Hoya plant and can place it in its own pot with potting mix. If you don’t feel like propagating Hoya cuttings but want a plant of your very own, here’s a Hindu Rope Hoya for you. My thought is to take a careful look and find all the places where it is rooting, then cut only what needs to be in order to roughly halve it, and then wait a few weeks for it to adapt before moving them into separate pots. You can grow Hoya finlaysonii in a somewhat small pot to naturally limit the water available to the roots. If you have the plants in terracotta pots you will have to water them a lot more frequently. I left, a beautiful healthy hoya and Christmas cactus, for 38 days with daughter and came home to them looking terrible….withering and dehydrated. Take a few fresh cuttings of a healthy step tip with about 4 to 5 leaves. You can also create a potting mix for Hoya kerrii by combining potting soil, perlite, and orchid bark.. Propagate Hoya bhutanica through water rooting: This method has proved to be quite successful for Hoya bhutanica given its thin vines and aerial roots. Place in a well lit area, but not direct sunlight. The leaves start to root after 5 or 6 weeks but there was no new growth action at all, and I waited a full year. Hoya is a semi-woody vine with large, egg-shaped leaves along trailing stems. To propagate Hoya Kerrii using passive hydroponics, fill up your potting container – preferably also a clear container so you can check for water level and root growth easily – with perlite. The key for succulent propagation is that you would need to let the cuttings dry in air dry first for a few days. If you want it to climb, plant it in a pot that has a pole or trellis so it can climb up. Should the planter be shallow, or is a deep planter ok? As you can see in the center of the pic, that middle vine is dying and drying out in the center. I understand that even if you can get new growth to appear, it’s not true to the parent plant. The best time of year to take your stem cuttings is during the spring and summer when the plant is actively growing. It’s not hard at all to do because a Hoya Kerrii, like other Hoyas, has tiny roots starting […], Your email address will not be published. Hi Jillian – Hoyas are pretty tough & transplant very well. If you don’t see roots, just pin the softwood stems down and they’ll appear. I have a hoya carnosa that started with a few plants in the pot and I have since pinned down some of the vines to encourage it to keep spreading and filling in. Propagating Hoya Obovata . Required fields are marked *. You can follow the same steps, except when you go to put the cutting in soil, you nix that step and place it in water instead. They can grow to 4 feet or more. I love Hoyas & know this for sure: if I have 1 of them, then I want more. The leaves have a waxy texture to them and lovely foliage. Known as the wax plant, the hoya is one of the best indoor flowering plants for beginners. The plan is to try water propagation, which is where you put a section of the plant in a container of water for a length of time … Hoya carnosa ‘Krimson’ – Has reddish stems and variegated foliage. A handful say they have success with this method and the majority say “no go” – a new plant never appears. Haven’t had much luck but don’t know if I am doing it correctly. I don’t know if the stems do photosynthesize along with the leaves. Here are 4 ways, that I know of anyway, to propagate Hoyas. Can’t wait to see what colour it will be. 3-4 weeks is all it should take. With this being said, the easiest and most effective way to propagate your hoya carnosa is to take plant cuttings with at least one node and root them in water. It’s so good at producing small clusters of fragrant pink flowers, you’ll be able to smell them all through the house. The condensed version: I’ve had great success with 2 of […], […] an entire post I’ve done on Propagating Hoyas. And that is everything about hoya retusa Care. I am not sure what to do to save this poor thing. No flowers but it was huge. Cut a healthy stem from the parent Hoya plant. This method also takes too time in my book. And we’d love to keep you updated with our latest news and offers. I am not great at gardening or tending for plants. Let me clarify that by saying I’ve had great success with 2 of these methods, no success with 1 and haven’t tried the last. Hi Monica – I’ve never grown Hoyas from seed so thank you for sharing. Purchased from ebay. Perlite also cannot hold any moisture, so as long as you are not putting too much water in your perlite propagation, there’s little to no chance your hoya kerrii’s nodes and roots will be drowning in water as they develop. Hoya Propagation in Water. Place the cutting in a small pot with Alan’s special propagation mix. Hoya … My question to you is do I root them in water, the correct direction, or do I put them long way, like air layering and or stick the stem in soil? Conclusion. Let’s talk about propagating Hoya Carnosa houseplants. Don't worry, your email is private. This is one I have interest in but never seen. Nell. At this time of year when the weather’s warm, they’ll be rooted & ready to cut loose within a couple of months. When propagating any plants I always remove the flowers to focus the energy on the rooting process. Kaysa, Kaysa – I’m assuming you mean Shooting Star Hoya. Cindy – Yes, the 4th method does work. Hoya australis is an evergreen climber native to Australia. Hoya pubicalyx – This is a climbing variety. And now they are so sick. Replace the water with fresh water whenever it becomes murky. Maybe you have 1 that you love and want to share it with a friend. My questions are, though, how do we know when it is ready to move to it’s own planter what is the best way to do this without disturbing it? for the rooting because it held the leaves up above the rim. This is my favorite plant and the blossoms are beautiful. Here’s a baby hoya that came all the way from a stem cutting to being planted in potting mix. Fill a jar or container with water – perhaps halfway to the top. Hoyas like bright light but are tolerant of indirect light indoors. You can always unsubscribe if you want to. You can choose if you want your hoya to be a trailing or climbing plant just by how you plant it. Propagation for many plants is best done in potting soil, but some plants can be propagated in water. They are my favorites. The 2nd way I’ve tried but haven’t had any success with and that is by leaf cutting. Choose a potting mix that is well-draining or formulated for orchid planting. For faithful replication, hoya propagation is best done from stem cuttings. For years it didn’t flower. Fresh Hoya seed can be hard to find, difficult to germinate and is the most time consuming way to propagate from start to finish. it’s even easier. Place the plant in an area that receives medium to bright light in temperatures between 55°F – 75°F. Have you ever propagated Hoyas before? We have one of these in our office at work and it bloomed for the first time sine my manager has had it for 2 years. Most Aroid plants can be propagated in water, including pothos plants, philodendrons, monsteras, and ZZ plants. Nell. This cutting is a true cutting, meaning there is no root. Your email address will not be published. When you water your Hoya keep the soil moist but in spring and summer. I guess I could not root the broken piece as I would imagine it being beige is not ‘new wood’? The nodes can be found at the spots where the leaves grow from the stem. Too much sunlight can cause the foliage to burn. They do show areal roots. I noticed one of the first 3 Hoya’s to come up has started growing a flower spike. Inquiring horticultural minds want to know! Terracotta’s good for Hoyas but you have to water more often. Ahoya, there! It’s best to use a jug filled with water for this purpose. It’s easy and when you’re done, you’ll have several new plants for free! Add a larger percentage of cactus mix to the soil mix you make or water more frequently. Its beautiful and smells wonderful, and I have been told it is super easy to care for so I am going to try # 4. Sweetheart Hoya plants need loose, quickly-draining soil to thrive. Enough said on that. you can propagate your hoya in water or soil. TIA for your thoughts, Hi Rachel – It’s hard to say without seeing it. In the video, you’ll see a single-leaf Hoya obovata that I propagated almost 2 years ago. Care Tips For Growing Hoya Plants Outdoors, How I Prune, Propagate & Train My Stunning Hoya, You can find more houseplant info in my simple and easy to digest houseplant care guide: Keep Your Houseplants Alive. Fill a jar or container with water – perhaps halfway to the top. Propagation is the method of multiplying the houseplants you have with little effort and money. It’s the very same method I use when propagating hoyas – you can find more details in the highlighted post under method number […], […] an entire post on propagating Hoyas so click on for all the details. Right after I filmed the video and took the pictures, I planted the cutting in the planter with the mother Hoya. Avoid garden soil that becomes compacted and heavy. I’v found them not to be fussy regarding plant size or type but I’d steer clear of a shallow pot. Can you propagate Hoya from a leaf? H. australis. There are so many fun species and varieties of Wax Plants on the market making it hard to choose. I’m tickled pink to have you here! Such a shock to see it go from a big beefy plant to this diminished state. Take a tall glass jar that’s 3/4th as tall as the cutting – a jam jar works. This method has always worked for me too. When watering the rooted and planted cutting, be wary of overwatering. Hoya Linearis plant care and propagation also include growing the plant in a good pot. Read more about our other favorite houseplants here. Propagate ZZ Plants And Get New Plants For Free, Valentine’s Day Gifts – Houseplants Part 1. If roots are showing on the stem, you can pin it down on a small pot of mix & it’ll further root that way. Water regularly to keep the soil evenly moist. A commercial potting soil works well, or you can make your own potting medium by combing materials such as sand, peat moss, perlite or vermiculte. 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